About the Reviews

- Patients (PT)
- Parents & Guardians (PG)
- Referring Treatment Providers (PRO)
- Admission Process
- Floor & Support Staff (Techs, Nursing & others)
- Clinical Staff (Therapists & Doctors)
- Challenge to Improve
- Medical Care
- Atmosphere
- Rules & Structure
- Outside Communication
- Insurance/Financial Support
- Discharge Readiness
- Discharge Plan
- Progress
- Program Recommendation
- Each reviewer is asked to rate the criteria based on a scale from 1 to 10.
- Everyone that writes a review will answer questions based on their role some will answer more questions than others.
- Scores are calculated based on the number of people reviewing each criteria as well as the overall number of reviews for all three groups.
- Some areas are weighted differently based on the importance to treatment outcomes.
The above criteria has been selected and weighted based on feedback from patients, parents and providers. These are the most commonly identified areas of importance in successful treatment outcomes.
You will notice that each star rating has one of the following tags: (ALL), (PT), (PT/PG) & (PRO). When you look at each of star ratings you can identify who’s votes are included based on the tags. The “overall score” will include scores from all rating groups.
- If you see (ALL) this indicates that all groups are reviewing the criteria.
- If you see (PT) this indicates that only patients are reviewing the criteria.
- If you see (PG) this indicates that only parents & Guardians are reviewing the criteria.
- If you see (PT/PG) this indicates that both patients as well as parents & Guardians are reviewing the criteria.
- If you see (PRO) this indicates that only referring treatment providers are reviewing the criteria.
As we are still in the early stages of accepting reviews, it’s best that you assess reliability of rating scores when there are less than 3 reviews for a program.
Please see our Posting Guidelines for additional questions about the review process.